Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Wonder Wednesday!

Happy Wednesday!

Today's post is sort of linking in with my Motivated Monday post! This post is going to be looking at how to empower yourself into realising that you can achieve ANY dream you have. 

There is often so much pessimism and doubt surrounding reaching your goal and not enough enthusiasm and optimism to empower you to realise your capabilities and abilities! Hopefully by the end of this post, you'll go away feeling more empowered, inspired, motivated and most of all excited about what your future can hold if you let yourself dream!

Before we start, it is always great to dream and imagine what could be but don't lose sight of what you have right now and be grateful for it! Happiness and health is much more important in life so just remember that :)

Okay, first of all I want you to think of something you want to do in life but you don't think you'll be able to actually do it. It can be anything at all. Write it down on a piece of paper, phone, computer, anything! 

Now think about how much you want that specific dream to come true. Really think! Think about how good you'll feel when you've got that dream job, when you've visited the last place on your "places to travel" list... the possibilities are endless!

Now comes the time where you've got to put a little bit of thought into this process... Get that list you jotted down your dream on and underneath it write: "How am I going to achieve this?" Think hard. Are you already on the path that's going to lead you to your dreams? This might make it slightly easier for you to imagine your end result as you may already know roughly how to get there! If you feel like you are so far from reaching your dreams as you aren't on that path yet, don't fret! You've got bags of time! Such a great way to start making connections which will help you get to where you want to go is by emailing people. I've made amazing connections so far by emailing people which has really helped me! 

Note: Try creating a little spider diagram, I find those extremely helpful to get all of your ideas down!

A few people have tweeted me telling me about their dreams:

Andrew from Beauty & The Boy told me that his dream is to "work as a hair and makeup artist full time, progress in blogging and work more with brands as an ambassador". Andrew knows exactly what he wants in life and by the looks of his blog, I'm sure he is well on the way of reaching his dreams!

Rukhsar from Love Make-up. Love Fashion told me that she "would love to be able to travel the world! I have a long list of places that I want to visit and I'm always adding to it :)". I think making lists are great as it's something that you can look back at to remind you of your dreams and helps you stay motivated!

Kristina from Creepers and Cupcakes says that she "just wants to be healthy and happy" and then continues by saying "Materialistically - I want a huge walk-in closet haha"! Like I previously mentioned, the most important thing in life is happiness and health so don't lose sight of that in your process of making your dreams come true!

I think whatever you dream, you can achieve. Don't think "it's pointless me dreaming of what I really want to do because it will never happen" because that attitude will get you nowhere in life, so please keep going and keep positive!

Another little motivational boost includes some facts that are definitely food for thought! Here they are:

  • Steven Spielberg, one of the most famous film directors, was rejected by the University of Southern California School of Cinematic Arts multiple times!
  • J.K. Rowling was a single mom living off welfare when she began writing the first "Harry Potter" novel!
  • While developing his vacuum, Sir James Dyson went through 5,126 failed prototypes and his savings over 15 years...But the 5,127th prototype worked. Dyson is now worth an estimated $4.5 billion, according to Forbes.

Let me know what your biggest dreams are by tweeting me @ChloesConcept or leaving your comments below!

If you haven't already, please check out my campaign on my blog for bullying victims and anxiety, self-esteem, depression & confidence issues! You can see it here!

Thank you for reading!

Chloe x

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